Thursday, November 29, 2012

Movie Review #38 Ted (2012)

- This ain't no kids movie

I figured it was just about time for another comedy, but could Ted be the movie to ruin my recent run-ins with bad comedies? I find a lot of live-action comedy movies that are about a couple are pretty much cannon fodder for date movies or watched by the people who don't have an exciting life and stayed in their pajamas all day. Yeah we're all guilty of watching those kinds of movies for both of those reasons, and for me I watched Ted because of the latter. On the plus side, however, the movie was headed by Seth MacFarlane (director, writer, voice) who continually makes me laugh and the movie has some decent star power.

Right off the bat, this movie is rated R. I don't think the movie was ever actually targeted as a children's movie, even if it has a talking teddy bear. The language is pretty vile, they don't let up on many terrible, painful life changing diseases and disabilities and there is a copious amount of drug use, sexual innuendo and brief violence. More scary is the fact there is an honest (albeit weird) love triangle between two people and a friend who happens to be a bear. My point is, give the movie a try if you are at all into MacFarlane's other projects such as Family Guy or American Dad.

The movie starts with a great introduction, and the narration by Patrick Stewart really gets you in the mood for an absurd movie. The beginning actually has quite a bit in common with the new Muppets movie, of course with a bit more adult language but still the beginning is sort of sweet if not perhaps a little more realistic than the Muppets introduction. You see Ted (the stuffed bear voiced by Seth MacFarlane himself) hit Hollywood hard but as time went on he is just as washed out as any actor who has their 15 minutes of fame and his owner is all grown up, living a normal as you can get life when your best friend is a two foot teddy bear with a job, a car and a girlfriend. The dynamic between John Bennett (played by Mark Wahlberg), Ted and the girlfriend Lori (played by Mila Kunis) is all pretty standard fair for a third wheel in a comedy with a side of romance. If Ted wasn't a talking bear the movie would be close to something that has been repeated multiple times every summer as what is called a “romcom” which is a terrible word and I hate that I typed that out. Sorry. But everything is just a bit more enjoyable when a two foot bear says it. The shock value is just more acceptable to me when it comes from a fluffy bear. It's the same idea that some ventriloquists have they use a rather unacceptable voice with their puppet compared to their own. The ventriloquist Nina Conti performs a perfect example of what I'm talking about with her partner Monk.

Grumpy bear is grumpy.
I feel as if the story is probably the weakest part of the movie; the talking teddy bear is a pretty clear gimmick over a pretty thin story line, though the sidestory with Donny (played by Giovanni Ribisi) was a bit more enjoyable and overall gave more of an emotional drive than the relationship storyline. But take Ted away and turn him into the jobless badly-behaved stoner / drunk best friend *human* and the movie would lose a lot of its charm, and I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. There is something really enjoyable for me seeing such an innocent thing as a teddy bear be as vulgar as possible. The movie doesn't break new ground but that didn't stop me from laughing for a bloody long time and really when it comes to comedy is that not the main point, to laugh?

Ted is as crass as they come and anyone who clings to the word “offended” like a badge of honour should stay far away from this movie so as to not ruin it for those who are open to the idea of shock value and just having a good time in the complete ridiculousness of it all. The movie is just over 90 minutes and I never went a couple of minutes without a little chuckle at least. It's absurd full of 80s references and unusual with a talking teddy. So if you actively don't like Seth MacFarlane's work this movie is a no-go but you probably already knew that.

I give it 8/10

PS: Teddy bears have incredible upper and lower body strength as shown from this movie.

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