I don't even know how it made that much money with the three movies. From the first movie Transformers to the end of Dark of the Moon, I was disappointed scene by scene. This review is just for DotM though, so let's get started.
The movie is 154 minutes long. I'm going on the record as a fan of action movies, that if your movie is going well over 2 hours and it's supposed to be a fun action movie, you are doing it wrong. By the end of the movie, all the explosions are dull. You've desensitized your audience and that's the thing with Michael Bay, He LOVES explosions; bloody well loves them as much as he does making them pointless. Which brings me right to the next problem of this movie: crude jokes and gratuitous camera shots. There are quite a few examples throughout, but the two sequences that are the worst are 1) when the mother Judy Witwicky (Julie White) talks to her son about how well-endowed he must be and 2) the entire introduction to Carly Spencer pants-less (played by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley) and as far as first impressions go, this is a rather tacky one; a sure sign of what Huntington-Whiteley has to hope for in her short movie career.